We understand the importance of maintaining and preserving the natural world. We recognize that our actions have a direct impact on the environment and the wildlife that depend on it. We are committed to upholding sustainable practices that reduce our ecological footprint and promote ethical behavior towards nature. We believe that by taking these steps, we can contribute to a healthier planet and a brighter future for generations to come. Our dedication to sustainability is a top priority, and we continually seek new and innovative ways to improve our environmental practices. Together, we can work towards a more harmonious relationship with nature, one that recognizes the vital role it plays in our lives and commits to protecting and sustaining it for future generations.
- Shower water is returned immediately to the nature
- Dishwater and blackwater pass a treatment by a biofilter first.
- Electricity is generated from solar energy.
- The garbage is separated and sent to Nairobi for recycling.
- Organic waste is transported to Talek and composted.
- Plastic bags are forbidden in Kenya.